There are hundreds of Zentangle Web resources if not thousands. Where does a Zentangle artist start looking? Of course, there are the search engines to help, but they can be quite overwhelming. There are websites, pages, groups, blogs, walls, pins and more to sort through. This is part one of several parts that will help you put together a sweet suite of Zentangle Web Resources. This first group is so rich that I am limiting it to just 5 resources. They are sure to keep you busy all week! [Read more…]
Zentangle Tile Storage
I have been looking for products to help with Zentangle Tile storage and related documents storage so that I can easily see them. Part of the problem is that repetitively handling the tiles spreads the graphite all over, thus dulling the light areas and smearing graphite onto the back of every tile in the stack. I have recently been storing standard 3.5″ square tiles in an vintage floppy diskette holder and in the Zentangle Keepsake box. If only there was a way to put all of my Zentangle Tiles and documents together in a binder to be easily flipped through and protect them from further damage at the same time. Hmmm…I found some great solutions! [Read more…]
Best Zentangle Books, Supplies, and Patterns
I like to keep up with the best products, patterns, and techniques and share what I know. I am always seeking the best of the best, so here’s a place where I can share them with you in one place. Some of these, including Zentangle books and supplies, have reviews on my blog so you can see why I do (or do not) recommend certain items.
I occasionally suggest products offered for sale by others, including some great Certified Zentangle Teachers, with whom I have an affiliate relationship. This means that when you click and buy their product or service, I receive a small commission on that sale. The text and graphics are from these affiliates and represent the best of the best.
The Best Supplies
With 11-Pieces, it’s a perfect gift for a friend or for yourself!
Get a youth class going in minutes.
You can never have too many pens!
The Best Zentangle Books
(containing great Zentangle Patterns)

The first Zentangle book I owned and still the go to resource on my bookshelf.
This Zentangle book is very helpful in learning shading and some new tangles.
Cris Letourneau knows her stuff.
There’s lots of ideas & designs in this Zentangle book that you can refer back to regularly.
Three CZTs in one Zentangle book.
eBook: The Tangled Tropical Garden
(Part 1 of a 4-part The Tangled Garden Series)
The lush, tropical foliage of Maui is the inspiration for The Tangled Tropical Garden. You’ll find step-by-step instructions for drawing a variety of leaves, flowers, and ferns using simple botanical forms and their favorite tangle patterns. This ebook is overflowing with vibrant color and verdant greens, encouraging watercolor and colored pencil enthusiasts to add a splash of visual impact to their work. Cherryl Moote is an experienced book and paper artist and author of a series of Zentangle books and DVDs known for their clear, thorough, studio-tested instruction style. Cherryl is a Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT) and has reveled in the opportunity to richly illuminate this book with tangles and Zentangle inspired artwork of her own.
eB-TTG-ePub © 2013, 28 pages, eBook, Full Color. Retail: $9.99 US. This 24-page booklet is only available in epub format for viewing on a screen and not printed.
What’s my favorite Zentangle website?
Well…you’re at it right now! But…really…you should check out and Tangle, and of course there is the blog from the Diva with weekly challenges!
My Experience Reading “One Zentangle A Day” by Beckah Krahula
I received an unexpected gift from my husband one day in an Amazon box. It contained “One Zentangle a Day – A 6-Week Course in Creative Drawing for Relaxation, Inspiration and Fun” by Beckah Krahula. I was excited to begin and worked my way through the book, devouring every word and doing every exercise. All I bought to begin was a set of Micron pens and a sketchbook. I admit that I took longer than 6 weeks to complete the course because I wanted to. Ms. Krahula instilled in me that I had freedom to modify the tangles and expand my personal creativity and challenge myself artistically in addition to copying them as shown. I think that was brilliant! Some days I’d do the exercises twice if they were particularly challenging, or if I wanted to spend more time experimenting with a particular tangle or methods in shading the Zentangle® Tile.
This book jump-started my personal Zentangle Journey, which I believe will be a long one with twists and turns that I can only begin to imagine. Before I had finished working through One Zentangle a Day, I began teaching family members how to Tangle. I wanted to share the joy that I was finding in the creative process. I wanted others to feel the peace of mind I was experiencing. One Zentangle A Day is well written, easy to understand and logically ordered. I believe it belongs in every Tangler’s library and I highly recommend it for new Tanglers who cannot take a beginning class taught by a Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT). Myself, I took the Basic Zentangle 101 class about halfway through reading this book because I wanted the experience of taking the class first hand, and I found Kierstan Betancourt, CZT in my area. I am so glad I took the class because I learned so much. It was well worth it.
One Zentangle a Day explains everything that’s needed to learn how to get a rock solid start in Zentangle, and where you can go with it all in one book! After the main 6 weeks of lessons, the book delves into creative ideas for your art like creating your own fabric prints and art, working with mica and resin, along with a small gallery of other creative ideas for your new skill.
I had a deep inner creative itch that was not being scratched before reading this book. Thanks to One Zentangle a Day, I now have a Daily Zentangle Practice. I think that developing a daily practice is really what this book and Zentangle is about. It brings an inner calm and peace that I had not known before. My mind is clear and so much quieter.
I strongly recommend this book to everyone I know, even if they have not tangled… yet!
Click here to buy it on Amazon and get started soon. You’ll start seeing everything in a whole new way!
Followup: It is now about 6 months later and I am now a CZT in the Portland, OR and Centralia/Chehalis, WA areas. Zentangle has changed my life! Take a class, it will change yours–for the better! I still love this book and heartily recommend it to my students.
A Great Gift, Display Method or Project for your Zentangle Tiles
I found a product at JoAnn’s crafts that is a great way to display 6 Zentangle tiles. It is an acrylic plastic photo cube that is 3.5″ interior dimensions in all directions. The product is also available online at other stores, but at a much higher cost than at JoAnn’s. I paid $3.99 for mine.
The product is called : Studio Decor brand 3.5″ x 3.5″ Clear Acrylic Photo Cube.
The first thing I did was to fill it with 6 tiles and showed it to my husband. He and I both had the same idea, create a ZenCube from 6 blank Zentangle Tiles. The patterns would have flow from one side of the cube to the others. I am working on the project now and will keep you posted!
Update: I completed my first ZenCube! Photos to follow!
It’s Easy and it’s Fun
In our hurried lifestyles, we frequently forget to take a bit of time daily to have some fun. Part of the beauty of Zentangle® is that it can be done any time, anywhere, for any reason, or for no reason at all. All that is needed is a pen and paper. Creating these miniature works of art helps us to slow down a bit, and have fun while doing it. I don’t know about you, but for me, creating original art makes me feel great! The comments I hear from others make me believe they feel great about their creative art work too! Come join us. It’s Easy and it’s Fun!
Who Can Zentangle?
Just about anyone can Zentangle®. Here are some ideas on what it takes to effectively take the classes offered.
- You understand the language the CZT® is speaking.
- You can use a pen comfortably
- You have a desire to create even if you think you ‘can’t draw’
- You’re interested in learning about Zentangle®.
- You’re into having a good time.
- You want to be surprised about your results from the very first Zentangle.
The process of tangling is very relaxing with just a little practice. All skill levels and abilities are welcome to take classes. Pegi Schargel, CZT likes to teach students age 8 and above.
Flying and Tangling
What better way to enter ‘the zone’ and pass the hours than to tangle while flying across the country? I was happy to not be playing computer games for a change on that flight back to Portland, OR. I was nearly finished creating a Zentangle tile and planned to create more tiles when my Sakura Pigma Micron 01 spewed its awesome ink onto two fingers on my left hand. I should have quit tangling after the pen oozed its luscious black ink out the tip, but no, I couldn’t stop. I wrapped the pen in newspaper supplied by the steward and slipped the malfunctioning pen into its cap and placed it into my handbag, I pulled out another Sakura Micron 01 pen.
Everything was going fine as I was finishing up the tile, then spurt! The second pen did more than slowly ooze its ink. It leaked fast and made quite a mess. The business-suited gentleman next to me reached into his briefcase and pulled out some paper napkins. I cleaned up the best I could at 35,000 feet. Don’t get me wrong, I love my Sakura Micron 01 pens, I buy them by the baker’s dozen from and take advantage of the free shipping for orders over $25. On future flights, I will store my pens in plastic baggies in my suitcase and practice my tangles in my sketchbook using my matte black Fisher Space Pen – I’ve used it on several flights without any problem! This was my experience, your mileage may vary.
Update June 28th, 2014: I could not resist tangling again on a cross country flight from Providence, RI to Portland, OR. This time, I stored my pens in a plastic baggie and brought my own napkins. I would like you to know I had no problem what-so-ever with leaking pens this time! The woman sitting next to me said she would pay me $50 cash on the spot for my custom tangled tile/pencil storage bag that I tangled at the CZT Seminar. BTW, Molly Hollibaugh did a great job teaching that fabric tangling class! I should have taken my traveling companion up on the $50 offer! This is but one example of many ways to make money with Zentangle. I have been stopped by staff when teaching tangling in a hotel lobby and was asked if my work was for sale. At that time I was too reserved and unsure of myself to say yes, I will sell you a tile of your choosing.