I like to keep up with the best products, patterns, and techniques and share what I know. I am always seeking the best of the best, so here’s a place where I can share them with you in one place. Some of these, including Zentangle books and supplies, have reviews on my blog so you can see why I do (or do not) recommend certain items.
I occasionally suggest products offered for sale by others, including some great Certified Zentangle Teachers, with whom I have an affiliate relationship. This means that when you click and buy their product or service, I receive a small commission on that sale. The text and graphics are from these affiliates and represent the best of the best.
The Best Supplies
With 11-Pieces, it’s a perfect gift for a friend or for yourself!
Get a youth class going in minutes.
You can never have too many pens!
The Best Zentangle Books
(containing great Zentangle Patterns)

The first Zentangle book I owned and still the go to resource on my bookshelf.
This Zentangle book is very helpful in learning shading and some new tangles.
Cris Letourneau knows her stuff.
There’s lots of ideas & designs in this Zentangle book that you can refer back to regularly.
Three CZTs in one Zentangle book.
eBook: The Tangled Tropical Garden
(Part 1 of a 4-part The Tangled Garden Series)
The lush, tropical foliage of Maui is the inspiration for The Tangled Tropical Garden. You’ll find step-by-step instructions for drawing a variety of leaves, flowers, and ferns using simple botanical forms and their favorite tangle patterns. This ebook is overflowing with vibrant color and verdant greens, encouraging watercolor and colored pencil enthusiasts to add a splash of visual impact to their work. Cherryl Moote is an experienced book and paper artist and author of a series of Zentangle books and DVDs known for their clear, thorough, studio-tested instruction style. Cherryl is a Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT) and has reveled in the opportunity to richly illuminate this book with tangles and Zentangle inspired artwork of her own.
eB-TTG-ePub © 2013, 28 pages, eBook, Full Color. Retail: $9.99 US. This 24-page booklet is only available in epub format for viewing on a screen and not printed.